Iron Hill Brewery: Beer Can Redesign
Once the concepts were client approved, Jonathan passed the files to me. I made sure that the files were set up correctly for the print vendor — I checked die/template, colors, image resolution, and made any last minute edits. The files were press-ready when they left my hands.
Art Direction Credit: Jonathan Nicholson, Smith Brothers Agency
Photography Credit: facebook.com/IronHillBrewery
History Center: 2017-2018 Education Brochure
My role with this project began once the client approved the cover and one spread concept. Dana then handed over her design assets and I carried this project to completion. I placed all the content and ensured that all the styles were consistent with the approved look and feel. The files were finalized and press ready when they left my hands.
Art Direction Credit: Dana Boulden, cremefraichedesign.com
UPMC: Center For Rehab
Animated web banners that I resized for multiple placements.
Art Direction Credit: Shuhuei Lee, Smith Brothers Agency
College Inn: Pour Love In
Animated web banner that I resized for multiple placements.
Art Direction Credit: Shuhuei Lee, Smith Brothers Agency
Rite Aid: Plenti Points
Once the concept was client approved, I designed the remaining materials for this campaign.
Art Direction Credit: Dave Slinchak, MARC USA
Rite Aid: NACDS Brochure
Once the cover/spread concept was client approved, the assets were then handed to me to complete the layout. I placed the body copy and created the charts based on the approved concepts.
Art Direction Credit: Bill Barlek, MARC USA
Rite Aid: Weekly Email Templates
For these weekly templates, I had to pull creative from various ongoing print campaigns. Since I handled all of the PRINT campaigns, I was able to ensure campaign consistency in the DIGITAL creative, as well.
Bryant Heating & Cooling: Trade Ads
My role in this campaign was to resize and ship the ads to the magazine publications.
Art Direction Credit: Dena Mosti, MARC USA
Moen: Trade & Consumer Ads
My role in this campaign was to resize and ship the ads to the magazine publications.
Art Direction Credit: Dena Mosti, MARC USA
PA Lottery: Winners Winners Everywhere
Once the concept was client approved, I designed the remaining materials for this campaign.
Art Direction Credit: Josh Blasingame, MARC USA